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Best and WorstIn a recent edition of Broadcasting & Cable, the trade magazine presented a list of the Best Shows on TV for the 2005-06 season.  The 2nd annual poll, based on the views of 111 critics, didn’t reveal many shocking choices overall…but does give much love to some underappreciated gems.  Let’s see how your choices compare:



Gold:  Lost (ABC)—Really not much of a surprise on any of these choices.  It’s only shocking to remember that Lost is the only one of these three to be shut out of the Best Drama category for the upcoming Emmys.
Silver:  24 (FOX)
Bronze:  The Sopranos (HBO)

Gold:  The Office (NBC)
Silver:  My Name is Earl (NBC)
Bronze:  Scrubs (NBC)—Woo hoo!  Even if NBC doesn’t respect the comedic gem enough to give it a regular time slot (and a fall start), it’s reassuring to know that the show is still being noticed.

Gold:  American Idol (FOX)
Silver:  The Amazing Race (CBS)Race may not be able to compete against Idol in the ratings department, but it still wins in my heart.  No popularity contests here.  The prize goes to those who simply stick it out.
Bronze:  Project Runway (Bravo)—Heidi Klum has it all.  Good looks, two cute kids, a sexy husband—and now a highly respected show.  I hate her.  I may enjoy watching her show..but I still hate her.

Gold:  My Name is Earl (NBC)
Silver:  Prison Break (FOX)
Bronze:  Big Love (HBO)—Although I’m personally obsessed with polygamy-based stories, I feared the subject might be too taboo for the average audience.  Regardless of the subject matter, this show has been a hoot to watch..and it doesn’t hurt that Bill Paxton is still quite easy on the eyes.  No wonder three women want to bear his children.

Gold:  Unan1mous (FOX)
Silver:  The War at Home (FOX)
Bronze:  The Apprentice (NBC)—While I will have to admit that my interest in this show has waned over the past year or so, I don’t think it’s one of the worst shows out there.  But if Donald continues to make creepy remarks about the attractive females on his show, I may have to call the FCC myself.

Gold:  BBC America
Silver:  FX
Bronze:  The N—- Degrassi, Degrassi, Degrassi.  I’ve said it before and I will say it again.  The N is home to the best drama for teens…ever.

Gold:  Coverage of Hurricane Katrina
Silver:  Uncle Junior shoots Tony on The Sopranos (HBO)
Bronze:  Michael shoots Ana-Lucia and Libby on Lost (ABC)—I admit, I don’t watch The Sopranos so I may be a bit biased here.  But Michael shot two people.  That should definitely earn him a higher medal than Uncle Junior.  I dare say Michael even deserves the gold, but he can’t compete with Nature.

Read More | Broadcasting & Cable

Gallery: The Best (and Worst) Shows of 2005-06


The Apprentice 4Oh those wacky reality TV people… the latest love connection, although they did not appear on the same show, pairs Extreme Makeover dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman with Apprentice contestant Jennifer (“Zenthura” – if you saw season 4, you’ll get the joke) Murphy. The couple were married Friday evening, according to People magazine. The site of the wedding? The Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. The Donald was even there as a guest, as well as other former Apprentice contestants.

The two (Dorfman, 47, and Murphy, 27) met during the 2004 Miss USA pageant. Murphy was Miss Oregon and Dorfman was in the audience. According to People, they didn’t connect until a year later, when she appeared in an ad for teeth whitening by Dorfman’s company, Discus Dental.

Read More | People

Gallery: A Match Made in Reality TV Heaven?

Donld Trump Nicholas Christakis, who was rejected from The Apprentice, is suing for being kept off the show. Christakis claims that producer Mark Burnett is guilty of unfair business practices, defamation of character, slander, and libel, during the final casting of the show’s first season.

The lawsuit seeks $250 million in damages and names both Burnett and real estate mogul Donald Trump as defendants. This is not the first trip to court for Christakis. His family sued the Billerica, Massachusetts Board of Health in 2002 for shutting down their restaurant.

This is not the first trip to court for The Apprentice either.  Mark Bethea brought a lawsuit against NBC, Trump, and Burnett in 2004, alleging that The Apprentice was actually his idea and that Burnett stole it. Having registered the concept for the show (titled CEO) with the Writers Guild of America in 2000, Bethea claims he pitched the show to Burnett in 2001. The lawsuit was finally settled this May, but the terms were not disclosed.

James W. Schottel, Jr., a quadriplegic lawyer, sued the show in 2005 for discrimination. He stipulated that the audition rules that demand “excellent physical health” was in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. He later dropped the suit after the wording of the application was altered.

Mark Burnett Productions also filed a lawsuit related to The Apprentice in 2005, against Madison Road Entertainment. Burnett and his company alleged that they misrepresented themselves as being the sole company involved in Apprentice product placement deals. He claims they overcharged companies for participating in the show but only gave Burnett company a portion of the fees earned. Madison Road Entertainment countersued and accussed Burnett of simply trying to eliminate competition, citing the fact that no companies who bought sponsorship complained about being overcharged.

Meanwhile, Trump is set to open a new production company in Los Angeles. The company, which will be run by a former Apprentice contestant, Andy Litinsky, will likely introduce a TV version of the board game Monopoly as its first project.

Read More | Reality TV World

Gallery: Apprentice Involved In Another Lawsuit

The ApprenticeDespite lower ratings for season 5 of The Apprentice versus previous seasons, NBC just can’t say “no” to The Donald. Season 6 will feature the back-stabbers…er…contestants in Los Angeles, and is set to air in January. The future of the reality franchise seemed uncertain given the declining ratings, however Trump told Daily Variety that NBC has given the go-ahead for a 7th season. Presently, NBC and Trump are scouting locations, with the leading contenders being Las Vegas or Miami. According to Trump, the decision will be made in the next two months.

Read More | E! Online

Gallery: Apprentice 7 – The Donald Keeps Getting Richer

MonopolyIt seems Trump’s “monopoly” on half the city of Manhattan and his new family life are not enough to keep the Donald busy. He’s going after board games next. Trump will be working with Hasbro to bring the treasured classic “Monopoly” into the world of reality television. Obviously not intimidated by his failed “Martha The Apprentice” effort (and fueled by his own show’s continual success), Trump is working with producer R.J. Cutler and Hasbro to transform the game into a sellable reality show. It’s reported they will be looking to pitch the concept to four major networks in the coming weeks. All involved are keeping details of the show under wraps, but Variety said the premise involves contestants improving properties as a means of increasing their net worth. Hmmm…not sure the Donald needed to hijack the classic board game in order to create that concept.

Gallery: Trump & Hasbro Plan Monopoly Reality Series

apprentice5cast So did you catch yourself spouting off all sorts of Apprentice trivia today around the water cooler after the series finale?  Well, for all you Apprentice fanboys, there is a new Web site that you can visit to test your Apprentice trivia before trying it out again at the office. Here are a few sample questions:

Whom did Donald Trump fire first?
A. Sam
B. David
C. Jason
D. Bowie

What is the address of Trump Tower?
A. 200 East 69th Street
B. 502 Park Avenue
C. One Central Park West
D. 725 Fifth Avenue

In the charity auction, which celebrity experience raised the most money?
A. Disco Bowling with the Fab Five from “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”
B. A day with Regis Philbin, including dinner
C. Private party for 50 at Rocco DiSpirito’s Italian restaurant
D. Holiday party with Carson Daly

Up for the challenge? Head on over to the Newsday Apprentice trivia game.

Read More | Newsday Apprentice Trivia

Gallery: Apprentice Trivia Game

Randall PinkettHe’s no longer The Apprentice after Sean took away his title, but last season’s winner Randal Pinkett is making headlines again.  Randal was one of 12 people Mayor-elect Corey Booker recently named as leaders of his transition team in Newark, New Jersey.  Pinkett, 35, will co-lead the economic development section, Booker spokeswoman Sakina Cole said. Is it me or the only apprentice winner that seems to have done well is Bill? The other winners seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth as far as face time on future seasons of the show or getting in the news.  Not a bad new gig for Randall.

Read More | Black Enterprise News Brief

Gallery: Former Apprentice Randall Pinkett Gets New Job

ApprenticeWith the Donald’s finale right around the corner the question occurred to me. How many apprentices does one man need? I realize “The Donald” heads an empire with a never ending open headcount, but seriously, how many Trumps-in-Training can one person stand? These questions began to plague my brain as I realized the theme of the show, regrettably, has begun to wear on me (though it still doesn’t stop me from tuning in each week, bowl of popcorn tableside…) This season’s finale is feeling a bit anti-climatic. Neither of the final candidates are the business equivalent of brain surgeons but it appears Sean has the charisma and the quick thinking to pull this one through with ease (and his accent doesn’t hurt either).  On the other hand Lee looks like he just popped out from the business world womb. I think that one is going to need a few more years under his belt despite an impressive education. But regardless of the waning glow of the candidates, it appears the Donald will keep churning out the Trumps-in-Training until the ratings tell him to shut the machine down. And for now, I will keep watching, popcorn in hand, anxiously awaiting the June 5th live finale…

Gallery: The Apprentice: How Many Does One Man Need?

The  ApprenticeWe’ve discussed the best; now on to the worst! Many of you won’t agree with these choices—-these don’t even express the opinions of everyone here at TV Envy-—but that’s what makes it fun. Be sure to leave your own choices in the comments section.

Our picks for the worst follow after the jump.

Click to continue reading Real Losers: A Look At The Worst In Reality TV

Gallery: Real Losers: A Look At The Worst In Reality TV

ApprenticeIn a highly-publicized fight far nastier than any boardroom brawl, Donald Trump and Martha Stewart have traded barbs and slung mud with the best of them. Hmm…could it have possibly been a publicity stunt designed to promote Season 5 of The Apprentice, debuting tonight? Not that the show couldn’t use it, having slipped to 38th place from its former number one spot.

Maybe this will be the shot in the arm Donald needs, but will the high-rish move to Monday nights reduce viewership?

The blood feud between Martha Stewart and Donald Trump evokes the same feelings as, say, Iran attacking North Korea. But there is something important to keep in mind. It erupted less than a week before the fifth edition of Trump’s “The Apprentice” premieres in a new time period Monday (Feb. 27). Each of the past three has produced lower ratings than its predecessor. Shows switching nights almost always lose audience, and another such decline could allow Stewart to turn the tables and lecture Trump on what went wrong with his show.

Read More | Zap2it

Gallery: The Apprentice Returns Tonight; Will The Move Destroy Ratings?
